A sensitive topic

7:55 AM

Gender is defined as the behavioural, cultural or psychological traits typically associated with sex. This is according to the famous Merriam-Webster Dictionary. A person’s sex can never change except when a person really wants to by an operation.  But a person’s gender can actually change.  A person can change from one gender to another, depending on the person.
There are endless possibilities of gender for a person. A person’s gender can be changed by many factors. One is the mind. A person who thinks of who they are based on what one knows of himself forms one’s gender identity.  People usually indicate a male and a female based on their physical appearance and actions. If a person usually sees himself doing things contradicting to his or her original gender or when someone thinks that he or she fits more into the societal role of his or her opposite sex, this is where his or her own thoughts regarding his or her gender is being questioned. According to Sam Killerman, “…problems arise when someone is assigned a gender based on their sex at birth that doesn’t align with how they come to identify.” Another factor is one’s expression of him.  There are certain expressions or characteristics wherein we identify a person whether he or she is a male or female. Like the way a person talk, act and dress. It is usually based on the culture or tradition of a certain place or country. If a person act, talk and dress differently from his or her sex, then his or her gender might be the opposite of his or her sex.  Another is the attraction. This is where people who are attracted more to the people with the same sex as him or her. People can be attracted in different ways like a sexual attraction or romantic attraction. Some people are attracted to the people who are with same sex as them. With all of these, based on the website Wikipedia -  “A continuum is multidimensional, allowing third gender, fourth gender, fifth gender, agender or genderless, as well as many other possibilities and combinations, thus much more accurately reflecting the true diversity of human genders.”
According to genderspectrum.org, Gender is all around us. It is actually taught to us, from the moment we are born. Gender expectations and messages attack us constantly. Upbringing, culture, peers, community, media, and religion, are some of the many influences that shape our understanding of this main aspect of identity. How people learned and interacted with their gender as a young child directly influences how people view the world today. Gendered interaction between parent and child begin as soon as the sex of the baby is known. In short, gender is a socially constructed concept. This is where discrimination arises sometimes. Some people discriminate or change their view towards other gender than male and female. But why? Don’t people have their own rights? People have their rights to make their own choices and to freely express who they really are.  Gender is not a stable thing. Gender as continuum is something that changes slowly over a time. It keeps on going.

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