Christmas Eve

8:07 AM

We have different ways in celebrating Christmas Eve. For my family, it has been a tradition for us to celebrate our Christmas with our relatives (Ocampo Family side) every December 24th to December 25th. We would usually go to my grandparents’ house and have a mini family reunion. My relatives from Makati would usually go around lunch time but for this year, they went to my grandparents’ house around 6pm already. 

Morning that day, I went with my dad in Tagaytay. We let others rent our condo unit so that we would also gain profit aside from using that unit for a vacation place only. For that day we had customers that booked their stay from December 24 to December 27. They said that they’ll arrive before 1pm so 12nn we were already there but unfortunately they told us that they were stuck in traffic and we’ve waited until 5pm’til they’ve arrived. 

We were just in time to go to my grandparents’ house. We fetch my mom and sister at our house and went to my grandparents’ house right after. My grandparents’ house is actually few streets away from our house. We’re in the same subdivision with them. We ate dinner together and I had time to catch up with my cousins who are bit older than me. We attended Misa del Gallo then we exchanged gifts after heading back to my grandparent’s house. I got handkerchiefs (good thing because I usually keep on loosing handkerchief hahaha), then I got a pink purse, a planner and a hair towel. We also used facetime app to greet and talk to our relatives in US. 

After that we went home already. We exchanged gifts we gave mom a SM gift card, we gave dad a pair of shoes, we gave my younger sister a phone case and they gave me an umbrella (because I don’t have an umbrella anymore hahaha). Of course before the day ended, we had our family selfie.

If you guys need a place to stay in Tagaytay for your vacation, you could visit for more details. Merry Christmas everyone!


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