Bits Of What I've Learned From Communication Theory Class

8:58 AM

 Do you know how much media can influence a person? In my Communication Theory class last semester, we discussed about Gerbner’s cultivation theory, it says that media has become the main source of information, ideas or stories in today’s generation. In television, those people who watch television more often are likely to be more prone in whatever effect the television may give to the audience. People are more exposed to more violence and most likely to see the world in different way like seeing it more harmfully because of television’s stories. Not using the television or media right, can make a harmful environment and full of people living in fear.

With the cultivation theory in the news, it seems that televisions are images that somehow exaggerates or fantasizes the reality or what does really exists. It shows that the media generally presents an image of the world that does not reflect reality. There are unbalanced number of crime, wealth, violence and more. As a result, people end up perceiving the real world in a distorted manner and viewing actuality through the perspective of televisions. So I think, it is best for people to be responsible enough especially in watching television. Televisions or Medias are not always the answer to boredom. People can do physical activities that even help people to have a great and healthy body. With this, people can be more aware of what they can really see in reality not just in televisions. The people who are must be more careful of are the children. Children who watch violent cartoons become violent as well. Example of a cartoon show that somehow shows violence is the Tom and Gerry show. Tom and Gerry show is a very popular show especially to the children but if you take a look what Tom and Gerry are doing, you can see that they keep on fighting each other. Doing cruel things and mean things. There are not so many lessons to get from to. And these cartoons are somehow the role models for some children for they see them almost every day thinking that what the cartoon characters do are most likely fun and correct which is the total opposite in reality. Repeated exposure to violence strengthens the beliefs that the world is a place which is full of cruel people and a dangerous place to live in. That’s why people or audiences must be responsible enough in everything that you see in television and in any forms of media. Parents should guard their children in what they watch and see to it that they are far from seeing too much violence. Violence is something that is not good, something that we must never do or commit, something that should be aware of and should avoid of.  

           If people are exposed to the same media, the people will put more importance to the issues the media is putting an emphasis to. The media has a great power for it sets or tell what people prioritize a certain issue mostly at the same time. It can predict the feelings of the people towards a certain issues which become more important for them as time goes by, repeating the issue at the same time. If the media lets a certain issue repeat day after day, most likely it is a lot easier for people to understand that certain issue. If people are not exposed to in the same media, more likely people won’t also be the same in terms of prioritizing issues which is important for them. Somehow, in Agenda setting theory it testifies that, media can’t create problems instead it can only change one’s awareness towards something. So people are the one ones who creates problems. Not the media. Another thing that I’ve noticed is that is the media somehow tries to persuade, for some it may be effective but some won’t because the effect of the media also varies. Especially to those people who have made up their mind already. People who made up their mind already are most likely the one who are hard to persuade on to. Some people may not pay attention to details as well. Some people do selective exposure only. But with the agenda setting theory, people’s thinking is mostly being raised. Media puts much influence and it affects the order of presentation of information, stories, news and more recognized by the people or the audiences. It sets the priorities. It usually makes the people think on what and how they should think about. People must still be responsible enough whether people should believe on something or not. Trust is indeed a big word. It can affect oneself and others at the same time.

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