
5:56 AM

I’ve mentioned a concept of a story about parent – child relationship in one of my posts during my first week of blogging and I also said that you guys should stay tuned with it because of course there will be a continuation. So as for the continuation of that post, here’s another concept of a story that inspired me from the Korean TV series “Sassy, Go Go”. This time it’s all about friendship. 

My second to the last sentences in my previous blog post entitled “Some Feelings Are Left Unexpressed” were “It’s complicated. But there will always be a person or people who will not leave you alone, which is where other aspects of your life come in.” That person or people who will not leave you alone that I was referring to are our friends or best friends. We all know that our friends are actually like our second family. They are like our brothers and sisters. We are very comfortable with them, trusting them with our most precious secrets because they rarely fail us for they are the ones who are always there for us whenever we needed someone. They are the ones who usually know the other side of you. But have you ever had a feeling of desire to have what someone else has, materially or not or maybe academically or family relationship or love life? Or being pressured of what they already have and you don’t? What if you have the chance to take away what your friend or best friend had that you’re really jealous of, will you take it or not? If you ever took that chance, how can your friendship be still the same after what you did? Will your friendship be stronger than anything else or would it destroy your relationship with one another? Who would let his or her pride down and make things work again? Will your trust for each other still be as strong as before?    

Yes, it’s still complicated. But again, there will always be a person or people who will not leave you alone, which is where other aspects of your life come in.

Stay tuned with it once again!

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