It’s Quite Different This Time

6:46 AM

New Year is one of the most awaited day and wonderful holiday in a year. It is the time for people to start their year with happiness and joy, welcoming the happiness and blessings to their homes, friends, family, and selves. Every New Year’s Eve, is the time were people usually use different kinds of firecrackers. This New Year’s Eve was quite different from the past years because never in my life it rained during New Year’s Eve. Our neighbors, who usually use a lot of firecrackers every New Year’s Eve weren’t able to use all their firecrackers because of the rain. This is also my first time that I spent most of my time of the day doing my school works. We actually have tons of school work that I can’t finish in one sitting. It’s also my fault I didn’t make sure that I would finish them ahead of time/day. Well, I was able to finish one subject that day so it’s already a big step for me. 

Every New Year, we usually go to my grandparents’ house, light up a fountain then went straight ahead to my relatives in Alabang. For this year, we weren’t also able to go to my grandparents’ house because they told us that they would sleep early so we didn’t bother to wake them up. Instead, we went straight ahead to Alabang to celebrate New Year with my relatives (father side). We spent our New Year with them and we went home around 4am already. The next day, we have to wake up early and get back to our condominium before 1pm because someone rented our unit again. It was very tiring and though it’s quite different from my past New Year’s celebrations, I still had fun. I was able to greet a simple “Happy New Year” to those who’ve been part of my wonderful 2015. I just look forward for another and many more years with them and new people as well.

Happy New Year everyone!  


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