Amélie (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain)

8:40 PM

Amélie (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain)
Directed by: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
(Source: Google Images)

Act 1 The Set Up
The narrator tells about the things happening in a certain town or place and there, Amelie’s childhood was shown. The parents of Amelie were also described. When Amelie was 6 years old, her father checks him up and he thinks that she has a heart defect and because of that, Amelie was only taught by her mother instead of going to school. Aside from her imaginary friends, the only friend she got was her gold fish whose name is Blubber. The fish tempted a suicidal and so her mother decided to let Blobber go. In return, her mother gave her a camera but an accident happened while she was taking pictures and a nasty neighbour told her that her camera causes accidents, because of that Amelie was petrified. After days, she realizedit wasn’t her fault and she decided to take revenge to the nasty neighbour by turning on and off his television signal while watching his awaited football game. Things turned out really bad for Amelie when her mother died because of a tourist who bent on ending her life. After years, she was a waitress in Montmartre at The Two Windmills. The narrator described the environment of the Windmills, her co-workers and customers. She then often visits her father and asked him to use his retirement for traveling. Amelie grew liking to skimming stones on the Canal St Martin.

One day, while Amelie was watching television about the death of Lady Di, she dropped something to the ground and when she tried to pick it up, she discovered a secret hole that was just covered with a tile that the thing bumped into and inside the hole was a box. There, she was decided to find the owner of the box. She started to find the owner of the box and because of that she was able to get to know a lot of people from her neighbourhood. When she was able to see the owner of the box, she realized that she likes helping others. It gives her happiness and satisfaction so she started to help others without letting others notice that she was the one helping them out. One day, she saw the same guy he saw before scraping something at the ground under the photo booth. She was curious of him, the guys started to run after someone and Amelie followed him and sees the guy’s lose his photo album and she picked it up and because of that, she had a way to get in touch with him.   

Act 2 The Confrontation
Amelie was pretty determined to find out more about the guy and she tried to look for him. The guy asked for anyone who saw his album, Amelie called him but she was surprised when another man from prono video store who isn’t the guy she was looking for picked the phone, instead she just put the phone down and she went to the store instead, unfortunately Nino wasn’t there but she was able to talk to one of the personnel of the store whom Nino works with and there she was able to find out more about Nino (the guy he was looking for). Nino was working in the Carnival that time so she went there instead because she wants to give the album personally. She left a note in Nino’s bicycle to go to a certain place and there she will give back the album. When Nino arrived there, Amelie prepared directions for Nino to follow. When the guy saw Amelie put the album in his bicycle, he tried to catch her up but she was already gone. Amelie called him and told him that the guy that keeps on appearing on the pictures is a ghost man and Nino asked who she was. Amelie told him to look in his album and there’s a picture of Amelie asking him if he wants to meet her. For Amelie’s dad, he keeps on receiving pictures of his gnome in different places. Amelie kept on helping others.

Later on she realized that there’s no ghost man, that Nino was tryong to find out on his album. Amelie arranged to meet Nino in the cafe, Nino started tracking Amelie and decided to go to the cafe. When Nino arrived at the café, he didn’t have any clue who’s Amelie is. She asked Amelie if she was the one he’s been looking for, because of Amelie’s fear, she denied. She left a note in his pocket by asking for her co-worker to do it for her. Amelie told Nino to go to the photo booth station and there’s this repairman that tested the photo booth and Nino discovered that he was the one he’s been looking for.

Act 3 Resolution
Amelie was about to go to him but when a small vehicle passed by, and she turned around Nino was already gone. Nino came back to the place where Amelie works, she found the same waitress that put the note in his pocket and the waitress told him that she would accompany him to Amelie’s. Amelie thought that there was something between her co-waitress and Nino already.

Nino knocked on her door, left her a note that says he will be back. Her neighbour called her and told her to watch his video in her television and that made up her mind that she’ll fight for her feelings for Nino. When she opened the door, she found Nino and kissed him.

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