Game For Games!

8:40 AM

This is the day of the year when we usually do our game thing. It has also been a tradition for us to celebrate Christmas by playing different games and this time it was hosted by my grandmother again. She would usually think of different games each year and we have cash for prizes that’s why everyone in our family is excited every 25th of December. For this year, our first game was Jack and Poy but with a bit of a twist. We were asked to have a 5pesos each as our bet and we should have a pair. Your pair would be your opponent and my grandmother would yell “Bato, bato, picks” and whoever loose shall give his or her 5pesos to their winning opponent. The same thing will be done until only one person will be left and he or she will be the winner. My aunt won. She had won 12 5peso coins and another 50 pesos as her prize. The second game was a game with 3 members each group. The “Pik, Pak, Boom” game. The first person in your group would yell pik once your group number is called then the second person will yell pak and the third person would yell boom to be followed by a number of another group that would indicate who’s group would be the next to say pik, pak, boom, and so on. Whoever group would say the wrong word will be out. Luckily, our group won! I received 50pesos for it. 

The third game was grouped by family. This time it was a crossword puzzle game. It was purely tagalog (malalim na tagalog). Honestly I was able to answer only 3 I think hahaha, luckily my parents knew the answers. We were the first one to finish the crossword puzzle and our score was perfect! We won 50pesos each again. 

For the last game, we had BINGO. I won the blackout part of the game, that was equivalent to 200pesos! All in all, I won 500pesos. Yey! Instant 500pesos! It’s kinda sad because we usually had more than 4 games each year but for this year we only had 4 because my relatives from Makati need to go home early that day. Still, it was really fun and I won 500pesos!!!

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