An Escape From Reality

3:05 AM

Speaking of another unplanned adventure, I was able to have another one for the week! Unbelievable! It feels like I don’t have any important things to do! But I just want to make my college life full of unforgettable adventures and I promise that it won’t affect my academics. Well this time, we went to Tagaytay.  We ate Bulalo and Sisig at a restaurant in Tagaytay. It was an overlooking restaurant so we were able to see Taal Lake. While we were eating, we were serenaded by a group of musicians. My favourite song they played was Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. After that, we went to People’s Park In The Sky. We walked until we reached the old mansion of the Marcos family. We enjoyed the majestic view from above and took away the stress for a while. Do you know how hard to be a student, a program council officer, a sister, daughter, best friend and friend at the same time? Well I do. Hahahaha. It is very important for a student to release their stress sometimes, of course in a good way. After enjoying the view, we decided to go back to reality. We went back to school, and on our way back we were playing music inside the car and we did a dare that whoever reacts first to a song that we all hate will treat us ice creams. And someone actually reacted! We were able to have ice creams hahaha. We arrived at my dorm around 6 or 7pm and I did my film review about the Love Me If You Dare. Here’s a glimpse of what I think about the film…
 We all know that children are fond of playing. It is part of every childhood of every child in the world and even teenagers and adults play too. It is a way for us to express what we want to express freely and it brings out the skills, talents and creativity in us. It can also be a form of releasing our stress out. Aside from it, we can also get different moral values from playing like sportsmanship, honesty, and more. And the most important is that we enjoy and we also gain new friends and develop relationships. A film by Yann Samuell entitled Love Me If You Dare (Jeux d'Enfants) showed two people that are meant for each other since they were young and was both fond of playing a game that has changed their lives. The film had me mixed feelings. I was happy because they were still together in the end. I was also sad and disappointed because of what Julien did to his family. He left his wife and his children and Sophie who left his guy who loves her so much. I also felt their much love for each other, the love that were rightfully unexpressed and the love that made them together till the end. It wasn’t the ending that I expected actually. The ending had two endings, either the sad one or the happy one. I think the ending is very surreal. In reality, I think no one would really do that. I think that the happy one was the supposedly ending if they were able to express their true feelings for each other surely since the very beginning. The whole movie shows how insane a person can be especially when you’re in love.

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