How dare you Samantha for scarring me to death!

12:59 AM

Have you ever tried to solve a case? Specifically a murder case? Well, me and my Hydro buddies (college friends who came with me at Hydro Manila) solved a mystery case last December 3, 2015 (Thursday). We went to Alabang Town Center and tried the Conceptrum. The Conceptrum has two concepts in ATC namely “The Prototype” and “The Attic”. You have to be bomb experts for a day and defuse the explosive before time runs out in the Prototype room. And for the Attic, you have to discover the story behind the hauntings with your team. You will be given missions before you go inside the room and then you must find clues and more for you to solve the case. You must accomplish your mission before time runs out. Each team will be given 25mins to solve the case.

Before we enter the room, we read the rules and the missions. We were given three missions. First, find Samantha’s confession, then look for the gift, and the last one was find the murderer’s identity. As we about to enter the room, we were blindfolded and they led us into a room that was so cold and dark. They gave us only four flashlights. At first, we thought that everything inside the room was electronic based things that will scare us throughout the mission that’s why when the staff left us inside the room, we were expecting for a shadow of a ghost or something but we were wrong. As we started to look for clues which we don’t exactly know what we’re looking for, we saw a lady wearing a wedding dress sitting inside a small cabinet as one of my Hydro buddies opened the curtain that was covering the cabinet. We thought that she was just a mannequin but she actually moved and went out of the cabinet. We were extremely frightened and we started to shout and run around the room except for the guys. The lady kept on following us until she left out of the room. Everything in the room was disorganized because of the running thing happened. After that, we continued to look for the clues until we saw a cabinet that was locked. The password was 4 letters. And we saw another treasure-like container which was also locked with a password, this time it was a 3 digits password. And we also saw a drawer that was locked, this time you need a key to unlock it. So we tried to look for they key first, until one of the guys was able to find it and we saw a letter inside the drawer. It was a love letter from Berry. So we tried to use “B.E.R.R.Y” for the 4 letters password for the huge cabinet. While the guys were unlocking it, we were able to take a peek what’s inside the huge cabinet. We saw a person inside the cabinet so we tried to warn the guys. As they opened the door, a lady went outside from it. It was the same lady that scared us earlier. This time, she was holding a small notebook. One of the guys asked to get it from her, and she actually gave it to us. There, we were able to find out the truth that her fiancé is actually the murderer. We found a time that was written in the journal so we tried to use those numbers as a password for the 3 digits lock, and it was opened. We saw wedding dress with blood stains in it and a necklace. We don’t know what to do next so we tried to read the journal once again and a staff entered the room. He asked for Samantha’s confession and it was the love letters. He asked for the gift and he said it was the necklace so we gave it to him and he asked again for the murderer’s identity. We asked if he’s a musician because the room was full of music related stuffs and the staff said it was the journal. It was the journal because it actually revealed that the murderer is the fiancé of Samantha. And there we had it! We were able to do the three missions successfully within 23mins! It was very fun and tiring but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t forget it!           

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