Being "human" person is to be responsible

1:00 PM

            Every individual has his or her own responsibilities as a person, as a child of God, as a citizen of his nation, as a son or daughter, as a brother or sister, as a friend, as a neighbor, as a leader and more. Being responsible is a responsibility that everyone needs to improve, nourish and be good at. A responsible person is one who is able to act without guidance or supervision, because he or she is accountable and answerable for his or her own behavior. Such a person can be trusted or depended upon to do things on his or her own. I personally, have my own responsibilities. Like being a student, I need to do academic things well, be responsible with my own grades and actions inside my school. Being a daughter and sister is also a responsibility; I need to take good care of my younger sister and everything that I do as a person is a responsibility that I have for my parents because what I do also reflects them. One can say that they either raised their children well or not, and I don’t like to hear people saying that my parents didn’t raise their children well. As a PRO of the Communication Program Council, I personally need to be responsible enough in all information I give to my fellow officers and to COMM students, I must value and return the trust they give me by simply doing my responsibilities well. 

I realize that it is important for ever human to be responsible for their actions. Every thought that becomes an action affects other individuals around me, in either positive or negative way. It is unreasonable for me to think that my lack of responsibility should keep me free from punishment if I accidentally harm someone else. Being responsible for me is caring for myself and being able to relate to others in the world around me. I have to be careful in everything that I made decision of, and act of. Knowing all of this, I have resolved to think before I take action either verbally or physically, to positively affect the world around me. 

A person who has a reputation of being responsible is trusted to do things on his or her own, without supervision. Being trusted that way is certainly a good feeling. Being responsible and taking responsibility for the things that may go wrong is an admirable character trait. We all dislike dealing with people who are irresponsible or who blame others. So being responsible is a character trait for which we should strive. You get a good reputation. You also feel good about yourself by having such character. Being a human person is to be responsible.

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